Saturday, March 04, 2006

Tiara's Statement to Australia Associated Press

I have chosen my path in life of being a professional model, living in a hustle-bustle of Singapore for the last few years to further developed my career. Being a professional model and performing to the standard demanded by my industry was my only concern. My career has been my focus and the single reason why I have lived in Singapore. Hiding from my fellow Indonesians never enters my head.

Matter of fact, I miss Indonesia terribly. I miss my family first and foremost. I may live in Singapore, but my home is –and always will be- Indonesia. Living in Singapore also made me unaware of many significant developments in Indonesia including the recent anti-pornography bill in the Indonesian parliament. Therefore, I felt incompetence to comment on the issue. Besides, I am not sure anyone would want to hear a model talks about a law in any country.

I am however aware of one thing. Indonesia is dramatically changing as a nation. We used to be a country full of “yes man”. No more. We are a young democracy and I am proud of the fact Indonesians have the freedom to exercise their rights to speak on any issues. I don’t know much, but defending those who speak about issues you do not agree should be a cornerstone of any democracy. We are there now, struggling to be better as a nation. I am proud of that.

I am coming home, at least professionally. I will be very active in the next few months in Indonesia and I do not believe it is the wrong time. Whatever people felt about me, one thing is clear. Both my publications and location for my Playboy Spain picture shoots were outside Indonesia and I respect the feeling of Indonesians to not conduct such activities within the country.

I hope that my 11 and 12 March photo Exhibition in Bali Island will prove that I am committed to show Indonesia a different side of me.

I do not know what will happen if the bill becomes a law. If it does happen, I will abide by it. Until then, I must believe that the best and the brightest minds in Indonesia will continue their debate to form a law that protects its children from the danger of pornography while protecting the rights of its citizens to speak and exercise their creative wisdoms without fear of censorships or prosecution.